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Home2012 Vice Commodore's Race

2012 Vice Commodore's Race

Southern Maryland Sailing Association, Solomons Island, Maryland
July, 2012

Bucc18s Race to Vera’s – Little Trailer Sailors Duke it out with the Big Boats on the Patuxent River

Saturday dawned hot and humid, as I headed to the Club to launch DragonFly to sail in the race. My youngest daughter, Laura, called me and said she wanted to sail if it wasn’t too late. The night before she told me she was too tired from a week out in the heat, so I happily did a u-turn and went to pick her up.

After a quick trip into the store for drinks, sandwiches and breakfast, we were off to the lift. We got there just in time to see the other two boats sailing away, so we rigged the boat and got underway. We just barely made it to the delayed start, meeting Kick ‘Em Jenny (with Jeff M. and Jolie H.), and Christopher Dragon (Jim W. sailing solo) at the start line. We started with the PHRP boats adding to the fun. DragonFly may or may not have sent two boats over at the start.

StingRay tried to roll Dragon Fly after the start, but we were bow out and able to point up and get out from under their huge wind shadow. About halfway to the first mark, Kick

‘Em Jenny tried to roll us with their spinnaker up, we defended our position so they fell below us.

Dragon Fly rounded the mark without incident. Christopher Dragon had a discussion with a bigger boat losing his mast fly. We did not see this as we were already on the next leg.

We stayed near shore, out of the current, and lifted to the next mark, rounded and headed for the Bridge. We fit under it just barely… and rounded Point Patience off the Navy Rec Center. Crazy current there as always, and continued up river with patchy winds chasing the big boats. Got to the Race Committee for the finish, light breeze and with more current. We waited for our friends on Christopher Dragon and Kick ’Em Jenny while drinking more Gatorade and more peach tea.

I’m so proud of Laura for sailing with me on a very, very hot and light air day. I also told her that we just had to take the

start but we could go back in if she did not feel good. She was focused and wanted to continue so we did, and she trimmed great and kept tabs on the other boats as well as the breeze – and the occasional crab pot.

Getting ready to head back, I arranged for Laura to ride on the RC boat with John and April Kriz before she melted after volunteering at SMSA’s Sailing Camp all week, plus sailing. She needed a break from the heat. They graciously took her home to some much deserved and needed A/C


So I sailed back happily following the other boats that were given a sizeable head start – knowing it was a special day to be sailing with my daughter and that is more important than any race.

*Top image shows the vew from the stern of DragonFly at the finish of the Vice Commodore’s Race

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