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HomeBNAC 2018 Report

2018 Buccaneer North American Championship

Western Carolina Sailing Club, Anderson, North Carolina
September 17, 2018


The 2018 Buccaneer North American Championship (“BNAC”) was held at Western Carolina Sailing Club (“WCSC”) from September 9-14.  Sunday afternoon the 9th and Monday the 10th were dedicated to checking in and measuring, by Scott Laundry the Class Measurer.  Practice races were conducted on Monday afternoon.  Monday evening was capped with a welcoming cookout consisting of brats, hot dogs, and hamburgers with all the fixings. Trickster IPA was furnished by sponsor Green Man Brewery in Asheville, North Carolina.

Sponsors for the event were: WindRider, Schurr Sails, Ronstan, Mad Sails, Gill, APS, Mack Sails, Green Man Brewery, North Sails. Fifteen teams showed up to compete from AL, CO, FL, GA, MD, NC, NY, SC, VA, WI, and Washington DC.  There were 13 boats in “A” fleet and 2 boats in “B” fleet.

Each day began with a heavy continental breakfast including eggs, sausage, and cheese grits along with fruit, assorted cereals, bagels, toast, and English muffins, coffee & orange juice. Fixings were also furnished for making lunches for each day.  These included assorted breads, deli style ham, turkey, and chicken, peanut butter and jelly, assorted chips, and assorted cookies, fresh fruit, and water.

Racing was scheduled to begin at 1100 on Tuesday, but the wind never filled in.  PRO John Kreidler eventually sent the fleet back to the harbor to wait it out to see if conditions improved.  The wind never improved and all races were abandoned for the day around 1530.  There was a happy hour sponsored by Green Man Brewery and meal catered by Sistas Catering consisting of fried and baked chicken, green beans, creamed corn, rice ad gravy, mac and cheese, rolls, “sweet” tea, and 3 different homemade cakes.  After the meal, the BCA member meeting was conducted by Commodore Ed Montano on the clubhouse deck.

It was decided to move the start time for racing up and hour to 1000 and extend the last race time by 30 minutes to 1700 to increase the opportunity to get more races in. Wednesday’s racing began at 1000 with winds out of the N to NE ranging at 4 to 9 mph. Six races were sailed

with Jeff Neurauter having a commanding 5-point lead in “A” fleet and with Mike Sigmund leading “B” fleet.  There was a happy hour sponsored by Green Man Brewery and meal prepared by WCSC’s Charlie Lord consisting of pulled pork barbeque, bacon-green chilies-baked beans, and lemon zest angle hair coleslaw.

It was again decided to move the start time for racing up and hour to 1000 and extend the last race time by 30 minutes to 1700 to increase the opportunity to get more races in. Due to the longer racing times, bottled water, snacks, and after race beer was made available from one of the support boats. Thursday’s racing began at 1000 with winds out of the N to NE ranging at 4 to 9 knots. Six races were sailed with Hunter Riddle (Pensacola, FL) and Terry Warren (Orlando, FL) taking over the lead by 3 points in “A” fleet and with Mike Sigmund (Chapel Hill, NC)and Brett Auer still leading “B” fleet.  Dinner was on your own. About half the fleet went to The Local Pub on the lake by pontoon and the rest by car.

It was again decided to move the start time for racing up and hour to 1000 to increase the opportunity to get more races in. Friday’s racing was postponed and did not start until 1200 waiting for the wind to fill in. It initially looked like a westerly, but PRO John Kreidler felt it would not hold. He waited a little longer and the wind came in again from the N to NE with the best pressure of the week.

The first race of the day saw 10 to 15 knot winds with higher gusts. The second race saw 8 to 12 knot wind with some higher gusts. In the last race we saw the first OCSs of the week and it was a good one resulting in a general recall. The restart was with the “I” Flag with one OCS boat. Due to the delay, we were only able to get in 2 of the 3 planned races before time ran out. Hunter Riddleand Terry Warrenheld on to the lead by 2 points in “A” fleet over Ed Montanoand Shannon Devine (Kenosha, WI), with Jeff Neurauter (Alexandria, VA) and Heather Howardin third 1 point behind Ed. Mike Sigmund won “B” fleet by 7 points.

The awards ceremony was held around 1530 preceded by a Taco Bar and beverages from sponsor Green Man Brewery.  Door prizes were drawn for some regatta swag.

The silent auction for sails from sponsor Schurr Sails, Mack Sails, and Mad Sails was closed out.

  • The Centurion trophy was given to team Hunter Riddle and Terry Warren.
  • The farthest distance traveled trophy was given to David Spira.
  • The Sportsmanship trophy was given to John Hamerslough for his help in the kitchen each day and other tasks that were needed.
  • Jeff Neurauter was awarded the MacAlpine Downie Gibbs Cup for winning the Buccaneer 18 fleet at the Virginia Governors Cup in August.
  • Mike Sigmund and crew Brett Auer were awarded 1st Place in “B” fleet finishing with 14 points. Mike was banished from “B” fleet.  Welcome to “A” fleet Mike.
  • Jeff Neurauter and crew Heather Howard were awarded 3rd Place in “A” fleet finishing with 30 points.
  • Ed Montano and crew Shannon Devine were awarded 2nd Place in “A” fleet finishing with 29 points.
  • Hunter Riddle and crew Terry Warren were awarded 1st Place in “A” fleet finishing with 27 points.

After the ceremony, teams continued packing up boats and began heading up the road.  All boats were on the road by 1000 on Saturday morning.

Successful regattas don’t just happen. A lot of work goes into the planning and execution of a regatta the scale of the BNAC. All the competitors and all Bucc sailors everywhere would like to extend their thanks and gratitude to 2018 BNAC Event Chair Ronnie Ashmore and his committee for all the work he and they did to make this a truly great regatta.

“The WCSC had a great team and hosted a fantastic event,” noted Ed Montano. “It is always great to see fellow Buccaneer sailors, and I am really glad we came and am sad to leave. These are great boats to sail and the people are even better. I love this Class. Oh and by the way, we are getting out of dodge right now as what’s left of Hurricane Florence comes through the area.”

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